We are currently in the process of re-verifying the application.
This will cause a “Google hasn’t verified this app” message to show for new users when signing in.
This message was changed to “This app is blocked” on July 27th and login is being blocked for new users.
I will post updates to this ticket.
If you are having issues sharing your application with new users, share the wiki with wiki@youneedawiki.com
I get this message: “This app is blocked This app tried to access sensitive info in your Google Account. To keep your account safe, Google blocked this access”. Not sure if it’s related to this.
It is. I’m working with them and I’m also working on a workaround. Will post here when I have an update.
This affects all new users trying to sign up but does not affect existing users.
Unfortunately from what I can tell it is also happening to other apps using Google’s Drive API in this way.
I am in contact with Google and I’m also working on a workaround that will work with the “See edit and delete only the specific files you use with this app” permission, as opposed to the “entire drive” permission.
It will require sharing your wiki folder with wiki@youneedawiki.com but it is perhaps a more reasonable solution for some folks and it is my only workaround at this time.
I am working on this as we speak and I will post an update as soon as it’s ready.
Any update Grant? Thanks
I should have an update tonight, I have a version that is working. I’m running some tests before I switch it on.
A fix has been deployed.
There will be issues for new users while I migrate additional functionality.
Currently not working:
Shared drive support has not yet been tested.
The new architecture requires that your YNAW folder and wiki folder be shared with wiki@youneedawiki.com. This is done automatically when creating a wiki.
It also requires that you invite new users specifically, group permissions are not yet supported.
The interim fix is to share the wiki folder with new users individually.
Support has been added for group and domain permissions for drive folders and shared drives for new users.
Currently the wiki is read only for these users, I am working on fixing that as well.
Group email still not working for new users.
@Michael Arndt Could you check that again now?
Still not working.
@Grant Kiely , hello!
What solution do we have now? Sharing folders with private data to wiki@youneedawiki.com seems not secure.
@Grant Kiely @Grant Kiely @Grant Kiely Has there been any fix to this propblem as Nikolay mentioned 4 months ago, we don’t feel comfortable to share the folder to an external email as it contain sentitive data which you have complete access to….
@J.stacey @Nikolay P. Can you confirm this is the biggest issue you are having at the moment with YNAW (having to share with the wiki@youneedawiki.com account).
It is looking like it will be my main priority over the next couple of months, but I am hoping to confirm it is the main issue for people.
If either of you have availability in the next week and would like to discuss it further let me know.