One of our users is unable to access the wiki. I sent him an invitation. When he logged it he got the screen to create his own wiki, but the company wiki is not showing up in the dropdown menu. I checked the permissions, and he was listed as a Reader, and on Google Drive he was listed as a Viewer. (I have since changed the Google Drive permission to Commenter to see if that helped at all.) He can access all the files via Google Drive. I’ve tried a couple of test accounts that have the same permissions that he does, and they all worked fine. I’ve had him log out and log back in, I’ve had him try using a Guest profile in Chrome, he’s tried both Chrome and Safari (he’s a Mac user), and nothing has worked. What else can we try?
I have the same issue. Whenever I log into my companys org I am shown the create a new wiki screen instead of the orgs wiki. This is true even if I am shared a link to a specific page.
I have tried deleting the YNAW folder from my personal drive, revoking YNAW permissions, and going through the sign-in permissions flow again. I get the same resilt.
We’ve gone through similar troubleshooting steps and also still have the same problem. Setting the wiki to publicly viewable via link is a workaround for now.
The user who was having problems is now able to access the wiki, but I’m a little worried about what he did. I’m not sure if he’s now got the actual wiki or some sort of clone of the wiki. He reports:
“FYI, I had to create the wiki by creating a new folder and choosing the MMV shared drive from my Google drive—in case anyone else runs into the same problem.”
After a follow up query, he said this:
“Well, it was my only option. The MMV Wiki was not available to choose. In fact, I couldn’t even get to the page where I could choose from wikis (via the dropdown).
For what it’s worth, the MMV wiki is now in that drop down (as the only option), and I didn’t name it, so if it is a clone, it was automatically named and inserted in the drop down.”
Is it possible he cloned the wiki? Is what he did going to cause problems? Or is it OK?
@Doug Wolfe There is no issue doing it that way, it just creates a reference to the wiki in his account. It is not cloned.
It’s the same as what happens when a new user is invited.
I’m closing this out but happy to reopen or investigate if you’re still having issues.
See #626 for updates.
I have the same issue as the original poster (Doug Wolfe). Adding “fixed it”. However, I had to check Allow people outside of (our org) to access files on the Shared Drive, which I am not comfortable with. I encourage fixing the root cause(s) to be a high priority so that work-around is no longer required.